Don’t leave everything you worked so hard for up to chance.  Any home owner could be affected by the following:

  • Hurricanes
  • Tornados
  • Pop-up thunderstorms with 60 + mph winds and hail
  • Sewer back-up
  • Fire

These are all things we are very familiar with in South Louisiana. These things remain top of mind especially during the summer and fall months also known as Hurricane season.

Don’t let Mother Nature or other unforeseen events determine the stability of your family’s future. We will show you available coverage options and answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision when selecting your Homoweners policy.  

Even our loving, furry family member can put everything you own at risk with as little as an accidental nip or bite. Research shows that dog bites accounted for more than one-third of all home insurance claims paid in 2022, costing nearly $1.136 million, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

A great way to help protect your future is to insure your home and assets with a Homeowners Insurance policy.  The knowledgeable staff at Ozark Insurance Agency is happy to answer your questions to help you better understand what coverages, deductibles and exclusions your  property insurance policy contains.

Ozark Insurance Agency Your  One Stop for Shopping Homeowners Insurance

There are a few things to remember when reviewing your homeowners coverage or when shopping for Homeowners Coverage. For example, has your home value changed? Have you added on to your house or built a shop, or installed a pool or fence? If so, you might need a homeowners insurance policy adjustment.

We all have birthdays and special occasions, where we receive gifts or treat ourselves to something new. TVs, new furniture, even a new set of pots and pans increase the value of our contents over time. You may need to increase your Personal Property limits.

Simply fill out the quote form, or call us at (225) 775-7614 for your free homeowners insurance quote.